Blog Tape

by | Apr 25, 2016 | Communication

Let’s all have a threesome

I know it’s childish and okay I’m jumping on the bandwagon here, but if it got your attention and you’re reading then that’s a good thing yes?

My threesome story is not as exciting but in my world is far more important and prevalent. My jaw dropping story is about the relationship between the 3 most important people in the executive search cycle; hiring manager, candidate and specialist search agency.

I recently had interactions with the hiring manager at a possible new client on a VERY important and VERY urgent vacancy, the demand was immediate therefore the vacancy had been given to 3 other agencies (this should have been my warning) so the clock was ticking.

Due to extensive research, lots of favours being called in and my network working overtime I found the perfect candidate for the role, who not only matched every aspect the hiring manager was looking for but also had the Fitability for the company long term (this is what a search specialist does).

So far so good yes?

5 weeks after submitting, 2 weeks after initial interview and after multiple calls and emails requesting a progress update my hiring manager gave me only 1 date for final interview, this of course was one of the dates I had advised my candidate was unable to make.

Result, hiring manager decides they will not be taking my candidate further as this is the only date the rest of the team can make. Of course my candidate feels they have had a bad experience and I (the specialist search agency) lose on all counts as my reputation suffers.

Moral of the threesome story; as long as everyone is honest at the beginning as to what they want to achieve, is upfront as to what is expected from one another and delivers on their promises then no one should lose out. If one party however decides to change the goalposts after the relationship (working in my case) has started as things are in full swing… well that gets messy and everyone doesn’t enjoy themselves and we’re all left with a bad taste in our mouths.

Okay now I’ve finished ranting, I’d be interested to see if anyone else has been a part of this type of threesome before.


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