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by | Jun 1, 2024 | Communication

Major industry players pledge support for EDI university scholarship

BCD Meetings & Events and ACA Live have pledged to support the scholarship initiative for the 2024 student intake at Bournemouth University

Gabrielle Austen-Browne FRSA (she/her) our co-founder said: “We’re so excited to have ACA Live and BCD as donors for the REACH scholarship initiative. Their investment in the future of our industry is not only transformative for the recipients but also a powerful statement about the value of diverse perspectives and experiences in the events sector.”

Michelle Biggane head of talent acquisition UK, BCD Meetings & Events said: “We are excited to be sponsoring future talent in their educational pursuit within the meetings & events industry. By partnering with REACH and providing students with the tools they need to be successful, we hope this has a direct impact in enhancing the representation of historically underrepresented groups in our sector.”

Alexandra Crawley client director, ACA Live added: ” The REACH scholarship helps us to redress the balance, directly benefiting students from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. We’re really proud to be involved in REACH, providing young people with a foot up on the ladder of success.”

Jonathan Goode head of fundraising and alumni relations at Bournemouth University, said: “We are pleased to be joining other universities to deliver REACH Scholarships to students joining our degree programme in events management from September. We are thankful to our two company partners for providing this scholarship funding and look forward to seeing the impact this will have on the recipients. We’d love to hear from other companies wanting to increase diversity in their workplaces through this innovative programme.”

Robert Kenward, the other co-founder of REACH said: “I’m incredibly proud of the impact that REACH has achieved so far and thrilled that we have two agency powerhouses onboard for 2024. This is a continuing campaign, we will continue to work with a new university each year and we are actively looking for more companies to come on board and help increase the diversity of our industry, from the ground up.”

The initiative was launched with students at The Manchester Metropolitan University who are now in their second year of their events management degree course, with grants supported by DRPG Identity TRO and YOU search & select. In 2023 Northstar Travel Group Because Connected Experiences, and emc3 supported students starting their event management degree courses at University of Hertfordshire

Companies that are interested in making a positive and long-term impact to D&I in the industry can contact Gabby Austen-Browne ( or Robert Kenward ( for more information.

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